Latex em dash. , and of the Regency. Latex em dash

, and of the RegencyLatex em dash  The 2010⁠–⁠2011 season was our best yet

You can also place this symbol on top of any letter, using the ~ {*} or ilde {*} command. 通常英文寫作的 Dash 指的就是 Em Dash,也就是中文的「破折號」:連結不同句子,而 Hyphen (連字號) 則是用來連結單字,它們的規模不同。連接號英文是 En Dash,用來代替 to 這個介系詞,最常看到用來連結數字,像是履歷表的工作時間。 A hyphen is usually very short (it has its own Unicode character, but you can use the hyphen-minus instead because it looks the same), a minus is of the same width as the decimal digits (and is sometimes a little bit higher than the others), an en-dash takes approximately the width of the letter “N” or “n”, and an em-dash takes. As shown above, em dashes are often left unspaced when used in this way. Mind that the <pre> bits will show up as-is if you use Zotero for non-BibTeX (ie Word) citations. The em dash—so called because in traditional typesetting it was the length of a capital M—is often known by its more pedestrian, non-alphabetical name, the long dash. Without step 2), greek bold characters don't show up and latin bold appears to be typeset in Latin Modern Bold. documentclass {article} egin {document} $ age 5 $ [6pt] If $ x_1ge x_2 $ then, [6pt] % Use geq command $ mgeq -4 $ m is gerater than or equal. 0. Hi, I'm using XeLaTeX to write a thesis using the Arno Pro font. The 2010⁠–⁠2011 season was our best yet. (Pedantic note: this happens only if the \hyphenchar parameter for the current font is the hyphen. Why is this happening?1. While it looks fine in. LaTeX. The. Manually declare the valid hyphenation points for the word preceding the ---. Let me explain what went wrong. Example. like this a^ {mn}. What i want is a double dash, like the first one. The rho symbol is a popular symbol in physics that represents density. All the predefined mathematical symbols from the TeX package are listed below. The em dash “—” and the en dash “–” are the two most popular dash forms. Pandoc, CSL - em dash to separate author names. The OT1 table doesn't contain the pipe symbol, but it can be found in the T1 table. 5. \iiint. The underscore character is usually used to write a subscript in Math mode in latex, so it is not possible to print this character directly in the document. As shown above, em dashes are often left unspaced when used in this way. There is also dash-katex, an alternative LaTeX renderer in Dash. I have some text from which I am generating HTML and LaTeX outputs. Dashes and Hyphens. ) On the other hand, extendash is essentially equivalent to char21 and since this has nothing to do with the hyphen character, no break. , ancillary glyphs added to a letter, or basic glyph. 3. I have many dashes like this — in the text but in the PDF all I get is two small dashes like this --. The trouble is the em-dash, which I can’t set in the listings environment. 1964— and therefore might be needed in titles, and. On most mobile phones, you can long press the hypen. maybe a macro like crazyconjoinedhyphen{5} for typesetting 5 hyphens back to back as a single. dash · dots · extraspace · footnote · frenchspace · hyphen · mathptmx · mathunit. Solution for older releases. You can also insert a special dash using the Insert Symbol menu. Depending on the context, the em dash can take the. tex), which allows to do conversions in a purely expandable way. A space is used before and after the en-dash when used in literary copy. 2. Output : You need to use imath and jmath instead of unit vectors i and j. 6 On the use of em dashes. The \defaultfontfeatures {Ligatures=TeX} command takes care of this as well. As mentioned elsewhere on this site, the release history explains that “the parameter XeTeXdashbreakstate is set to 1 by default, for both xetex and xelatex. For an introduction to LaTeX math, see LaTeX/Mathematics. Against all odds, Pete—the unluckiest man alive—won the lottery. . To indicate a parenthetic expression use the em dash "---" (as wide as m). I really don’t want. I read on the Xetex page that this is because some fonts other than Computer Modern do not have the ligatures to make this. The example document. e. LaTeX. Share. The third parbox contains the — character that is equivalent to typing extemdash. In LaTeX, the en dash is required between two numbers, but LaTeX also gives a way to enter them. Example. When successions of dashes are found (--or ---) in code or proofs, they are dumped literally in. documentclass{article} % Preamble egin{document} % Body end{document}So, you have to use the vec and overrightarrow commands to vector arrow on a character in latex. To show a sudden interruption in quotations and reported speech, use 2 em dashes in a row. These dashes differ not. Colons are to be used if the real information is after the item, as in the song challenge example. This is strictly a BBT thing and Zotero doesn't know about it so will treat it as if you. How to type Hyphen, En-dash, and Em-dash in LaTeX? Our main objective is to teach you LaTeX in a very easy way. School is based on the three R’s—reading, writing, and ’rithmetic. LaTeX. A hyphen is not a dash—it is a character for specific purposes. exe type long emdash in any. On the other hand, $overline {mathbb {R}}$ creates a line that is too long. I am using the natbib package with a bibliography style close to humannat, (I have changed it in only one place), and I would like to get a long dash instead of the full author name in multiple references where the author is the same. h1 = text(2,6,['Test' char(8212) 'example']); Please refer to the following page to see numeric codes for the common dashes:. How do I create a strikethrough font in LaTeX 2e? strikeout; text-decorations; Share. 04/02/03. The trouble is the em-dash, which I can’t set in the listings environment. However, some style guides, such as the. The en dash (–) is longer than a hyphen but shorter than an em dash. I’m new to Dash and am trying to see what options there are for rendering LaTeX code. user448810 user448810. But in the more general context, the terminal or an email client, well, I can't figure it out. Logout. How to type Hyphen, En-dash, and Em-dash in LaTeX? Our main objective is to teach you LaTeX in a very easy way. According to grammarbook. The tilde (/ ˈ t ɪ l d eɪ,-d i,-d ə, ˈ t ɪ l d /) ˜ or ~, is a grapheme with a number of uses. Is there a way to make it look right?En Dash. For a range of numbers use the en dash "--" as in 2--8 (named because it is as wide as n). Everywhere in this page that you see fig. Sorry. There is also the param escapeMapFn to modify the mapping of escaped characters, so you can add/modify/remove your own escapes if necessary. — becomes em-dash —. H—— and Mr. It places an — (em-dash) in the spot associated with |. g. documentclass {article} egin {document} Hello world! end {document} will produce exactly the same output with PDFLaTeX or XeLaTeX, because only ASCII characters appear. How to type Hyphen, En-dash, and Em-dash in LaTeX? Our main objective is to teach you LaTeX in a very easy way. Type two hyphens with no space between them like–this. It only takes a minute to sign up. This is strictly a BBT thing and Zotero doesn't know about it so will treat it as if you. The 2 em dash can be used to indicate missing letters in a word, either because material is missing or illegible, or to conceal a name. LaTeX allows you to produce dashes of various length, known as `hyphens', `en-dashes' and `em-dashes'. So, like so: —⁠. I am trying to get an en-dash by using two '-' characters, but instead of appearing as one long en-dash symbol, I'm getting --. 7. (Image credit: Tom's Guide) 3. I have noticed that the length of an em dash is not always uniform, depending upon the font being used. Short and simple. However this switch mechanism works only for latex. The intersection defines the common section between the two sets. Contents. Sorry. An online LaTeX editor that’s easy to use. This symbol is a letter of the Greek alphabet. It is accompanied by practical implementation of code and output, so that the depth of knowledge increases. I would like to use semantic line breaks in my document's source code, but I'm not sure what to do with em dashes: ---. Creating an em dash. Like the em dash, the en dash is typically available on your word processor’s symbol map, or it may even be inserted automatically by your word processor. Completed proofing. I am using Garamond font through XeLatex. How to hyphenate properly at an em-dash? 3. Restriction: In addition to the LaTeX command the unlicensed version will copy a reminder to purchase a license to the clipboard when you select a symbol. And you can use this command in either math mode or text mode. For even finer control over list environments you can also check out enumitem. Inserting an en-dash in Latex. 4 Spaces around em-dash By default, the half-space is inserted before and after em-dash. Unicode character: 2014 hex. In the example the parbox is just to force LaTeX to break as much as possible. Do not put a space before or after the dash. 56. It is accompanied by practical implementation of code and output, so that the depth of knowledge increases. The underscore character is usually used to write a subscript in Math mode in latex, so it is not possible to print this character directly in the document. En dashes should be used for number ranges 34–42 without space. The babel package cares this difference so that ---prints a shorter emdash if russian is the current language. I think it's generally accepted that it's also OK to insert a line break immediately after an em-dash. In doing so, the em dash acts similarly to commas, semicolons, colons, and parentheses. However, you can define this symbol by using C with the degree (°) symbol. For instance, LaTeX marks up hyphens, en-dashes, and em-dashes as ‘ - ‘, ‘ -- ‘, and ‘ --- ‘ which makes it very easy to type in which one you want. How can I add an emdash (---) after every item label in every description environment in my document?Is there a global way to override the layout of each item? This produces the desired effect, but I'm manually inserting the emdash after each item: documentclass{book} egin{document} egin{description} item[A] --- description. See how it works on Vimeo . Load the babel package and use \allowhyphens---. The template uses Arial as font. 6. While this approach may appear to "work", in the sense that Zotero now outputs something that is handled correctly by BibTeX and/or LaTeX, it doesn't address the issue of what do with non-ASCII characters such as ä, ö, é, and è if they occur in fields relevant for sorting. Running XeLaTeX in the hope it will print any Unicode character is not successful, as you experienced. Apparently this was never followed up on, but the Chicago Style Guide does, indeed, state that authors should "usually not use the 3-em dash" and many journals do not want em-dashed bibliographic entries for multiple same-author entries. (This image was made with PowerPoint and Photoshop; the relative sizes of the dashes look right, however, the en dash and em dash don’t exactly match the width of. tex. Running XeLaTeX in the hope it will print any Unicode character is not successful, as you experienced. ewcommand*{iiemdash}{% 2em dash ule[0. Like commas and parentheses, em dashes set off extra information, such as examples, explanatory or descriptive phrases, or supplemental facts. Example. e. You can repeat the process to insert two of them together in a single Em Dash is not as long as you want. There are three kinds of dashes: hyphens, en-dashes and em-dashes, created in LaTeX by sequences of one, two and three keyboard minus signs respectively (i. They are dotted, dashed, dash dot and dash dot dot. 9. This gives the usual en-dash. You don’t have to take any external package for this. I've noticed that en dashes and em dashes run into certain numbers and letters, and I don't believe it's standard to use spaces with these. The Imitation of Christ. em-dash. Thus, an em dash in 9-point type is as long as the height of a. TeX 中,由于历史原因,em dash 不能直接输入(ASCII 没有为其分配码位),取而代之是用---输入。 在中西文混排的环境里,直接输入的 U+2014 会被 xeCJK 解释为中文破折号(的一半)并使用中文字体显示,而使用 --- 输入的仍然会被作为 em dash 并使用西文字体输出。Here's an example for binding the control sequence dash to the input character "—"; i. Strangely, typing "--" (for example for page ranges in. 5ex]{2em}{0. documentclass{article} % Preamble egin{document} % Body end{document}The Dash. Em Dash 對應中文的「破折號」(影片 00:52~),是三者裡面最長的符號,它的用途,簡單來說,是用來連結不同的句子或是句中的不同部分,特別用在表示想法的延伸或轉變。 (更多 Em Dash 使用細節,安排於接下來的影片,希望後續收到影片上線通知的英文學習者,歡迎訂閱我的 email newsletter,收到. If the paragraph with the sentence in question stretches over more than one line - try to add some manual hyphenation above, thus, added up, the hyphenations may provide the desired effect. The en dash (–) is shorter, taking up the same space as a capital N. In Russian typography the emdash, which is typed as the ligature ---in LaTeX, is 20% shorter than the standard emdash. Using em dashes instead of parentheses puts the focus on the information between the em dashes. myślnik) should not be put after a line break. You could use tikz/pgf for this short in-text drawings (and even for the figures themselves, of course), although it could be considered overkill. Latex command. In the native Mac word processor, Text Edit, you’ll have access to the. turn a sequence of 3 hyphens " --- " into an em-dash "—". You can find the em dash in the symbol drop-down menu in Microsoft Word. Two dashes seem odd to me, one dash is much more common IMO (in German en-dashes are the norm; I know that em-dashes are often used in English, but I think they're ugly). documentclass{article} % Preamble egin{document} % Body end{document}So don't worry, fans of LaTeX em-dash :) --- In contrast to the above, which will ensure that this is on a nested slide. , $ar {mathbb {R}}$ but unfortunately this creates a bar that is much too small (horizontally) and can barely be seen. Late to the party, but I think this is actually the most elegant. The em-dash—which is longer than en-dash—is used for punctuation in sentences and in-line comments. . It works fine when using a unicode em dash, or explicitly using the \\textemdash macro. , Do a global search of ‐ (U+2010) and replace all instances with - (U+0045). Note that not all keyboards around the world are the same. It's only a small difference but I was curious if there is a proper way to handle this. The em-dash (—) The em-dash is normally twice as long as the n-dash; its length is equal to the width of the letter m, whence the name. Hyphen、En Dash 与 Em Dash -分割线- 如果你想与我进一步交流,关注公众号“ 学英语那点事 ”关注后就可以找到我啦,我还建立了一个大学生英语学习社群( 英语角 ),群里都是对英语充满热情的小伙伴,欢迎你和我们一起练口语、探讨学习难题~ First copy the base font (I use cmr10) to the current directory and convert it to a property list. これについて. Logout. ) This normally happens automatically with \setmainfont and \setsansfont, but not other commands such as ewfontfamily. Sem instalação, colaboração em tempo real, controle de versões, centenas. Just in case anyone is looking for another way to escape special characters, this can be done with the listings package. This is what is simply called dash. You don’t need to use any package for this. How to type Hyphen, En-dash, and Em-dash in LaTeX? Our main objective is to teach you LaTeX in a very easy way. dash. If you are using a typewriter, a pair of hyphens is the closest you can get to an em dash. For example, to have "x-hat" displayed in the X-Label, do the following:twenty-five. When I add --input-encoding=utf-8 --output-encoding=utf-8 (that's the default output encoding, I think) to my docutils command-line, I see boxes in my browser where the em-dashes should be. Logoutautomatic formating - dashes. , by typing '-', '--', or '---'), The single minus — the hyphen — appears. It’s not interchangeable with other types of dashes. One could make the -character active and define it to perform the task you are asking for, but this, IMHO, would be a very bad idea, since the -character is used in a lot. vpl. It is accompanied by practical implementation of code and output, so that the depth of knowledge increases. In the following example, LuaLaTeX and the EB Garamond font are used. However, two en-dashes yield one em-dash. Lengths can be changed by the command: \setlength{\lengthname} { value _ in _ specified _ unit } For example, in a two-column document the column separation can be set to 1 inch by: \setlength{\columnsep} { 1in } Below is a table with some of the most common lengths and their. 4pt}} However, I compared that to the em-dash (---) and find that they are not on the same height: @Dr. Dashes are often used informally instead of commas, colons and brackets. Any idea how to override that so I can get my three figure dashes instead? Welcome to the board! If you need it more than just one time, I recommend to define a macro for it. ­LaTeX Code emdash: Copy and Paste Em Dash Sign:. The en dash is most frequently used to connect numbered ranges, like dates and scores. Since this command works in math mode, you must always enclose the command in single-dollar ( $) or [. It is accompanied by practical implementation of code and output, so that the depth of knowledge increases. 使用 Em dash(大号横线)的情况. A hyphen is a short, single-character line which connects word parts (i. The long dash is the widest of the three horizontal marks that may be used in the middle of a sentence. 7. 0, output defaults to em-dashes, but setting longdash to false reverts back to hyphens: usepackage[style=mla,longdash=false]{biblatex} So you may want to tryNo. iint. Therefore if the global file has 1 3 and the local file has 2 then chktex --localrc myrcfile mytexfile. 2. A slightly larger (medium) dash, good for number ranges, is created with two hyphens, like 1--10. The method for inserting an em dash in Scrivener varies slightly with the version that you use. How to type Hyphen, En-dash, and Em-dash in LaTeX? Our main objective is to teach you LaTeX in a very easy way. Letters are rendered in italic font; numbers are upright / roman. (using verb to do the last line, I guess) Share. For example, Mr. Rendering LaTeX is not currently supported on hovertext, texttemplate, ticktext, text on bar chart bars, or labels when displayed on pie charts. There are four kinds of 'dashes' in LaTeX: hyphen, en-dash (--), em-dash (---) and minus $-$. I Think that unicode has added separate characters. LaTeX. Skip to content. documentclass{article} % Preamble egin{document} % Body end{document}Note that the global chktexrc file is always loaded, also when you specify a different file on the command line. Completed proofing. Create a 3-em dash by entering the em dash three times or six hyphens. Of course, you could write your own macro with own kerning etc. Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:54. text. 2. Insert the hyphens using BBTs "raw inserts", which would look like 081401<pre>hyphen</pre> 1--081401<pre>hyphen</pre>4. You can define. Of course, some may prefer the HTML markup method, where they can use it. It is accompanied by practical implementation of code and output, so that the depth of knowledge increases. 14. The babel package for Cyrillic defines the command "= which should be used instead of dash: so you can write по"=своєму and it will correctly hyphenate that word. [4] 3. — Em dash: used to introduce a phrase or subclause that clarifies the previous phrase. As a "phrase marker" – a kind of alternative to the parentheses – the en dash should have space either side. The en and em dashes appear on the bottom row. Another beautiful dash defined as a symbol. Use an en dash to indicate a range, for example ‘rows 1–10’. , and of the Regency. The em-dash is used to denote a sudden break in thought. A dash is a longer line—double the length of a hyphen—which indicates a break or an interruption in the thought. An em-dash is used to show a break in thought—not in velocity—within a sentence (for not the greatest example). In LaTeX, ---is an em dash. Alternatively, press CTRL + ALT + minus key on the numeric keypad, three times. The name of the character came into English from Spanish, which in turn came from the Latin titulus, meaning "title" or "superscription". It is accompanied by practical implementation of code and output, so that the depth of knowledge increases. I’ve just installed TeX Live 2012. However, this does not allow line. Quadruple integral → ⨌. How to type Hyphen, En-dash, and Em-dash in LaTeX? Our main objective is to teach you LaTeX in a very easy way. g. See the below image for what I am seeing: I don't like this greyed out look, but I do like the overall document's default font. Papers often demonstrate problems that are easy to fix once you know how. I'll just point out that often when typing an actual em dash is inconvenient, people will resort to using two dashes in succession--like so. — –. And you can use this command in either math mode or text mode. TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. Creating an em dash can be done by either: [ctrl] [alt] and the minus sign on the numbers pad or [alt] 0151 (on the numpad) 2 em dash. This behavior can be changed with option usepackage[wordspacearound]{extdash} or usepackage[nospacearound]{extdash}LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OT1/cmr/m/n' in size <142. 1Greek letters. Is it better to omit the spaces between the words and the dash, or is it preferable to separate them with spaces instead? For example: No. The easiest way to print a prime symbol in a latex document is to use a prime ( ') symbol or prime command. I'm a technical editor at Microsoft and, for over a decade now, I use the HTML code because it's easy to remember! More important is to know when to use an em dash or an en dash. org. It can either end or begin a line of text. Use an en dash to indicate a range, for example ‘rows 1–10’. iiint. There is a difference between -- and -- as well as --- and ---. Standard LaTeX dashes-Standard LaTeX hyphen--Standard LaTeX en-dash---Standard LaTeX em-dash; extdash breakable dashes. Triple integral → ∭. end {document} Another option is to use the obreakdash command implemented by the amsmath package; this command suppresses any line break after the dash (or hyphen). E. Alternatively there is also a vert command, which is probably a bit more semantic, but is actually just a synonym. All over the internet, there's this question on how to make LaTeX do the en-dash and em-dash. Otherwise, look for an “insert symbol” command. How to type Hyphen, En-dash, and Em-dash in LaTeX? Read More » An unspaced em dash won’t automatically break over a line. , and of the Regency. Were Rear-ended The Three Dashes And When To Use Them. Putting spaces before and after an em dash is a matter of preference; just. ”. The documentation states that if babelshorthands = true, then "--- is rendered as em dash. vpl and add the following line at the very top. Use the WORD JOINER Unicode character &#8288; on either side of your hyphen, or em dash, or any character. This time-honoured literary device is supported by LaTeX and in this help article we explain the main footnote-related commands and provide a range of examples to demonstrate their use. There are four types of dashes used in writing: - Hyphen: joins two separate words into a single concept. cp `kpsewhich cmr10. lstinline { [RegularExpression (@"d+")]} Since all characters will be displayed as they are, it is not possible to execute any command inside the block. Select the "More Symbols" option to get the full list of special characters. 5), which must be loaded in the environment where figures are being rendered. LaTeX distinguishes three different types of dashes in text: the hyphen -, the en dash - and the em dash —. Insert the \hyphens using BBTs "raw inserts", which would look like 081401<pre>\hyphen</pre> 1--081401<pre>\hyphen</pre>4. The trouble is the em-dash, which I can’t set in the listings environment. Learn how to use em dashes in a sentence with these examples and best practices. If you had not used French,. In the following example, LuaLaTeX and the EB Garamond font are used. Lengths are units of distance relative to some document elements. How to type Hyphen, En-dash, and Em-dash in LaTeX? Our main objective is to teach you LaTeX in a very easy way. No installation, real-time collaboration, version control, hundreds of LaTeX. Latex command. e. For example, Chicago Style dictates that you must not have spaces before and after the em dash, while AP Style dictates that you should have spaces before and after, except when used to introduce items in a vertical list. . In a Microsoft Word document, choose Insert in the Menu bar. 如果整个单词都丢失了,2-em dash 的左右两侧都应留出空格,如果只有一部分丢失,那么在 2-em dash. For using Hyphen(-), En-dash(–), and Em-dash(—) symbols in documents, LaTeX provides you with some default commands by which you can use these symbols wherever you need them. The latex commands are: Hyphen: -En-dash: extendash; Em-dash: extemdash; With the latter two, you will likely want to append {}, because they swallow. documentclass {article} egin {document} % Useing keyboard key [ f' (x) = x^2 ] [ g. It's not interchangeable with other types of dashes. cap. Each of these have denser and looser variants, e. The hyphen should be used every time a block of text is justified (i. The Em Dash is used (among other cases) to separate phrases. Use an en dash to indicate a range, for example ‘rows 1–10’. Follow edited Jul 26, 2011 at 18:32. e. The 9th edition of the MLA Handbook clarifies that dashes indicating multiple entries by one author can either be styled with three em-dashes or three hyphens. Save your file as UTF-8 and put. Use em dash like you would a colon, or use in pairs like you would parentheses. 3. In latex, there is no default predefined command to represent the degree celsius (°C) symbol. For example: The home team won the game by a final score of 28–14. Mathematically, use of plus-minus symbols is much higher. This depends on the font, If I use SimSun (as I had used it in a previous answer) I see no gap if I use the input you show (2 em dashes) I do see a gap if I use the classic TeX input -----Unicode 6. It can either end or begin a line of text. 1 behavior for parsing smart dashes: - before a numeral is an en-dash, and -- is an em-dash. This is as a result of the default font encoding OT1. Do Appositives Need. The syntax is convertto{mm}{1pt} to convert 1pt in mm: makeatletter defconvertto#1#2{strip@ptdimexpr #2*65536/ umberdimexpr 1#1} makeatotherDefined in the June 2021 release of LaTeX. Use an em dash like a colon or semicolon to create emphasis. With --, there is a feasible break points, because the ligature ends with the default hyphen character. Em dash shortcut 3 (Mac): If you are on mac, below is a shortcut to help you type the em dash sign in Word. LogoutAppositives can also be set apart by parentheses or em dashes when they come at the end of a sentence. Some diacritical marks, such as the acute ( ´ ) and grave ( ` ), are often called accents. S—— entered into. @SherylHohman A hyphen (-) is a punctuation mark that's used to join words or parts of words. Refer to the external references at the end of this article for more information. A hyphen (-) is a punctuation mark that’s used to join words or parts of words. g. – En dash: a mid-sized dash (longer than a hyphen but shorter than an em dash), shows a link or relationship between two concepts, or a range. Use the em dash to denote a break in a sentence: ‘He was running, Watson—running desperately’. LaTeX distinguishes three different types of dashes in text: the hyphen -, the en dash - and the em dash —. enダッシュが半角、emダッシュが全角とされることがある。 なお、Unicodeの全半角に当たる東アジアの文字幅 (East Asian Width) では、enダッシュはNa(半角)、emダッシュはA(場合による)である。 和文組版. ice-cream). imath and. LaTeX knows four kinds of dashes: a hyphen (-), en dash (–), em dash (—), or a minus sign (−). Learn how to use em dashes in a sentence with these examples and best practices. The character repertoire had to be kept small, so several characters such as hyphen, en dash, em dash, and minus sign were lumped together. E. Currently, an en dash -- shows up as greyed out. Latexhelp. The en dash is a symbol (–) that is slightly wider than a hyphen (-). I want to write three short dashes ---, but Latex automaticaly change it to one long dash (em-dash). Create a 3-em dash by entering the em dash three times or six hyphens. Typing “---” prints just three hyphens, \emdash{} doesn’t print anything at all, escaping the listings environment does print the em-dash, but it creates trouble with the string formatting: The space characters are. Finally, click Execute immediately in the dropdown. You need to use ho, the default command of latex, to print this symbol in a latex document. Depending on the context, the em dash can take the. (I cheated up above and just used a non-breaking hyphen for the time span. Navigate to Insert in the top menu bar, then Symbol. But I think it's okay, because the text was very high quality. dashleftarrow. The latex commands are: Hyphen: -En-dash: \textendash; Em-dash: \textemdash; With the latter two, you will likely want to append {}, because they swallow following space.